Protecting Hospitals from Storm Damage: Systems, Impacts, and Precautions

Protecting Hospitals from Storm Damage: Systems, Impacts, and Precautions

Natural disasters, such as storms, can cause significant damage to medical facilities, endangering the lives of patients and healthcare providers. When these damages are not addressed, the consequences can be long-lasting and catastrophic. In this article, we will discuss the impact of storms on hospitals, as well as the importance of protecting hospital systems and patients. We’ll also provide recommendations on how hospitals can prepare for storms and avoid lasting damage.

Hospital Systems and EHRs

Before we dive into the ways storms might impact hospital systems, we should explain a bit more about how hospital systems tend to function. Hospitals are complex, multi-faceted systems that serve a diverse range of patients and their families. The typical hospital system includes both inpatient and outpatient services, medical staff such as physicians and nurses, administrative staff managing finances and operations, support staff like maintenance personnel or dietary aides, volunteers providing additional assistance when needed, and numerous other departments with specialized functions. At the heart of any hospital system is its electronic health record (EHR) platform which serves as a repository for all patient information including diagnosis records and test results.

The Impact of Storms on Hospitals

The most obvious consequence of failing to protect against future storms is the physical destruction of medical infrastructure. This includes anything from hospital buildings being destroyed by strong winds or flooding, to electrical systems and data networks going down due to power outages. Hospitals depend heavily on technology and the ability to communicate throughout systems to transfer patient information and history. If given the opportunity, storms can wreck expensive machines and technologies, setting back hospitals and the work they’ve done to stay updated on each of their patients.

Protecting Hospital Systems and Patients

When a hospital is faced with the threat of an incoming storm, there are many steps they can take to protect their machines and technologies. First, it’s important for hospitals to have backup power sources that can be activated in cases of emergency or loss of regular electricity. It’s also critical for staff to conduct a risk assessment before storms hit so they understand which areas may be affected and what measures should be taken accordingly.

Hospitals should then back up all data from computer systems and move computers away from windows or other places where flooding could occur. If possible, devices such as medical imaging equipment, servers, routers, monitors etc., should also be moved – ideally into climate-controlled environments like basements or interior rooms where they will remain safe even if water levels rise outside. Finally, any equipment that cannot easily be moved must have covers placed over them prior to the storm. This will help prevent water damage due to rain/flooding while keeping dust particles at bay after the storm has passed through too.


While storms can negatively impact any space, hospitals are especially essential to keep protected. Sometimes, no matter how much you prepare, it’s impossible to arise from a storm without some holes. If your hospital suffers damage during a storm, Stormwrappers will immediately protect the building from further damage, flooding, or long-term problems.
